Thursday, July 16, 2009

Time flys when you having fun...??????

There is a saying that "time flys when your having fun." I can remember hearing that and thinking wow, thats so true. But as the years have passed I've realized that time flys when we are NOT having fun too. As a matter of fact, way too much time seems to pass, that I stop and ask myself, "where did that all go?"

I have especially found this to be true as I grow older. It seems like just yesterday, that the current picture here on my blog was taken, and its been 7 months ago. What happened with all that time? What did I do with it? It seems to have slipped to easily through my fingers, that I never noticed how quickly life was passing by. I can recall some occations,shared moments as a family, a few good FHE nights, or calm Sunday afternoons, some periods of grief, trial, and disappointment but my memory struggles to compile enough to fill 7 months.

So I have decided to set a goal for myself. To write down every day, just one thing, special about my day, good or bad, but something that held some real meaning and that I learned or grew from.

I have told my girls, to embrace every moment their kids are young, poopy diapers and all, because before to long, those children will be gone, and they will all wish for the day when everyone was home. It happens to fast. So my goal is to gain more from each day and try harder to look at my blessings and the things I learned rather than what I didn't have time for.

Recently I was visiting with an old missionary friend. He reminded me of some ear muffs and a pair of boots I bought him while he was serving his mission in our area. He still had them, and his children (4 of them) would fight over wearing the muffs. He said the boots were too small but still so good he couldn't give them up and had used them while shoveling snow. He reminded me of how I felt bad that as he and his companion had performed some service for our family, his ears about froze off, so I purchased these for him, and that these were special to him. I hadn't thought about those items for over 10 years. Had he not reminded me, I probably would have never remembered. But as soon as he did, I instantly felt good, that I had done something that ment something special to another, and it had left a meaningful impression on his heart.

How often, do we do these simple acts for others, and take for granted the resources or opportunity to do such, but worse than that how often do we neglect to look for the needs of others and just let time pass us by...

So like I said, from here on out, I want to be more mindful of my blessings, of my life, of what the Lord has taught me each and everyday, and better show my appreciation for the life I have, because who knows at any moment, my time here on earth could end.